AmazonServiceException: Unable to unmarshall exception response with the unmarshallers provided (Service.
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Exception in thread "main" com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException: Unable to unmarshall exception response with the unmarshallers provided (Service: Status Code: 403; Error Code: InvalidSignatureException; Request ID: NiCd0BkFQ-FIC1Q7PqxxuT0qIkmepIRaviJM9o-Ig0ltWG0; Proxy: null).
we face AmazonServiceException when we tries to access a AWS service
in AWS cloud from a external / third party java program, we often get
AmazonServiceException. it means service is not available to u.
Solution: There could
be many reason for service non availability.
If you are
getting HTTP 403 error code along with AmazonServiceException, it
means the AccessKey and SecretKey you are using is not correct.
Correct policy is not attached with the user.
Please cross the accessKeyID and secretAccessKey that you
are using to access the AWS service and the policy attached with the
user or user belongs to which group.
System.out.println("Connecting AWS Amazon Glacier Service");
String newValutName = "easycodeforallVault";
String accessKeyID = KKY35*********JB37";// You get it form AWS Console /
// You get it form AWS Console
String secretAccessKey = "GGMOFS*******444******qdsc$$V";
AWSCredentials awsCredentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(accessKeyID, secretAccessKey)