Code Robo
Java Code Complience
Virtual Service
BASE64 Encoder & Decoder

The "Base64 to Text" is a decoder and "Text to Base64" is a encoder available online. It allows you to convert Base64 to plain text and plain text to base64 string (Decodes the Base64 string to text and text to base64 string).
It encodes / decode text using UTF-8 character set to produce human readable format.
This encoding helps to ensure that the data remains intact without modification during transport. Base64 is used in many communication. One of such example os SAML request to IDP server.
How To Use:
For Decoding:
  • Paste your string in the "Input" text area.
  • Click the "Base64 to Text" button.
  • Download or copy the result from the next page.
For Encoding:
  • Paste your string in the Input text area.
  • Click the "Text to Base64" button.
  • Download or copy the result from the next page.
Base64 String / Clear Text:(* Required): It is required.

How It Works:
First format source string and check the correctness of the input string. Then it decode / encode base64/text string to text/encode string by using java standard library functions.
. Input Parameters are:
  1. Base64 String- Which is used to decode and generate plain text
  2. Plain Text String- Which is used to encode and generate base64 string