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JsonPath Generator
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JsonPath is used to refer any element in a JSON string.JsonPath is used in code to retrieve value from a JSON string.JsonPath generation and testing of any JSON path is very important.Evaluting a JsonPath or konwing the JsonPath is very common requirement in development project. This Json Path generator utility has been built up to generate all JsonPaths of a JSON string. Just need to provide the JSON content, it will generate the JsonPath list of all the elements present in the JSON string.
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JSON:(* Required): It is required.   JsonPath:(* Required only for 'Test JsonPath'): It is required.
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JsonPath Examples:

All of the following examples use this sample JSON code..
1. Select the root element
2. Select the current element
3. Subscript operato
4. recursive descent.
5. Child operator
. or []
6.All objects/elements regardless their names

How It Works:
It first validate the input JSON and parse it. It extracts the elements from the JSON String. Derive the XPath of the each elements based on the input JSON structure. Finally rendered the list of JSONPath pertaining to the inut JSON String
  1. JSON Content: Source JSON String.
  2. JSONPath: It's not required to generate the XPaths.

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