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Best JSON Comparator (JSON Diff)
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JSON Comparator is used to compare two JSON string / files online free. . This utility has been built up as a online tool to compare any two JSON Strings / Files without the order of the element / attribute at the same level (depth). There is no limitation or the size of the JSON file / string. It support very big file. Just need to provide the JSON contents as input, it will compare and show the differences in multiple colors.
The JSON comparator supports big JSON file (upto 5 mb) for compare. it can find out the difference in attribute values ( JSON data) and attribute / element names. Order of the json element does not matter. It compares ignoring orders. Show the difference highligting with different color for addition, deletion and modification. It quickly show the difference in your JSON data..

Its not a text compare. It mainly compare elements and attributes and their values in both the JSONs.
It's the best JSON comparator online free. Added attributes are displayed in green colour    . Deleted attribute and elements are shown in red coulor    . Modiofied values are shown in Orange color    . It is the best online free JSON comparator in the market!

JSON1:(* Required): It is required.   JSON2:(* Required only for 'Test XPath'): It is required.
Remove Comments Sort JSON Before Compare Compare Ignoring JSON Data Values
Show Changed Values Only Show Only Summary Of Changes Compare Ignoring Case (CaseInsensitive)

JSON: JavaScript Object Notation(JSON) is a very poplar ligt-weight file format used to represent data. Client side applications do not require any speciall handling for the data in JSON as its is already an object of javascript format.
It supports following features while compare the josn files / strings.
  1. Sorting and comparing if opted
  2. It can comparing JSON ignoring comments if opted
  3. Comparing JSON ignoring attribute values from both the inputJSON strings / files. Its compare JSON structure comparision .
  4. Has ability to Compare and display only the difference
  5. Can display only the summary of changes
  6. Comparing JSON ignoring case (case insensitive)
  7. By default it compare both the JSON with case sensitivity and show the result highlight the differences

How It Works:
First format the both input JSON Strings/file contents. Then it generates the JSON path for both the soruce and target JSON strings. Compare the JSON strings by JSON path and their values. It identifies what are the JSON path added, deleted and modified. Finally it repors highlighting the added, modified and deleted JSON paths and their values.
. Input Parameters are:
  1. JSON1: Content of the JSON file1/string1.
  2. JSON2: Content of the JSON String2/ file2.
  3. Remove Tailing and Leading Spaces: If its checked, it trim every JSON Path value before compare
  4. Remove Empty Line: If it is checked, blank lines are ignored during file comparison.
  5. Show the differences highlighting with multiple color. Summarize added, modified and deleted JSON paths and their values

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