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XSD(XMl Schema) Validataion With XML Online
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XSD (XML Schema) is defines the structure of the XML. When data is shared in form of XML, interface agreement document(XSD) is required. . This XSD needs to be validated with an XML. This online tool (XSD validator) is used to validate XSD. If there is any incorrect XSD structure, it throws exception. It validte the structure and datatype of the XML . This XSD validator is very easy to use. Just provide XSD and one XML in the input. Output will be true if validation passed, otherwise false..

XML:(* Required)
(Copy-paste your XML document here):
It is required.
  XSD:(* It is required.)
(Copy-paste your XSD document here):
It is required.

How It Works:
First it analyze both the XML and XSD file content. Parse both XML and XSD through JAXB parser. Then apply the XSD on the XML, If it fails it return false. Otherwise it return true
Pre Conditions:
  1. Both XML and XSD needs to be well formed
Steps To Execute:
  1. Add first XML content in the first text area.
  2. Add 2nd XSD content in the 2nd text area.
  3. Click on the Validate button

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