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How To Triage SSO Issue .
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This page demonstrate How To Triage SSO related issues..

Triaging any SSO related issue is very painful. Specifically if its implelemented using SAML 2.0 and third party IDP server.
We can use browser Developers tool and chrom extensions to triage SSO related issues.
Install following extensions in Chrome browser to make the triaging easy.
  1. SAML Tracer
  2. SAML Message Decoder
Once you install the above extensions, you will be able to triage the issue in the browser. Just following the following steps.

Debugging In Edge Browser:
  • Open Edge browser. Go to > three dot (...) > More Tools > Developer Tools > Network Tab

Edge Developer Tool Navigation Path

  • Click on the Preserve Log and Disable Logs check box. then Click on the start button.

Preserve Log and Disable Cache button enablement

  • Type the URL of your application in the address bar(Just open the URL of your application). It should render the Login screen of the SSO
  • Observer the URLs in the network tab. Check URL, every request header and response header and Cookies
  • Provide SSO USER id and password and click on the login button
  • Now notic the address bar and Observer the URLs in the network tab. Check URL, every request header and response header and Cookies
  • If you examine the HTTP staus code. Every request header, payload , Response header and Cookies, you may get some clue or the root cause of the issue.
  • Most of the datas are base64 encode. Just convert them to text using online converter tools to read it.

Debugging In Chrome Browser:
Download and install following chrome extensions.
  1. SAML Tracer
  2. SAML Message Decoder

  • Open Edge browser. Go to > three dot (...) > More Tools > Developer Tools > Network Tab

Chrome Developer Tool Navigation Path

  • Click on the Preserve Log and Disable Logs check box. then Click on the start button.

Preserve Log and Disable Cache button enablement in Chrome

  • Type the URL of your application in the address bar(Just open the URL of your application). It should render the Login screen of the SSO
  • Observer the URLs in the network tab. Check URL, every request header and response header and Cookies
  • Provide SSO USER id and password and click on the login button
  • Now notic the address bar and Observer the URLs in the network tab. Check URL, every request header and response header and Cookies
  • If you examine the HTTP staus code. Every request header, payload , Response header and Cookies, you may get some clue or the root cause of the issue.
  • Most of the datas are base64 encode. Just convert them to text using online converter tools to read it.

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