Singleton design pattern example in java |
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Singleton design pattern example in java. .
Singletone:- |
It's the easiest design pattern. Easy to remember. Using this
design pattern, we make sure that there is only one single object of
a class in the JVAM. This design pattern tells about how to ensure
one single object in the JVM. Practical Use: Singletone design pattern is used to cache the static date (e.g. application property / configuration data) |
Key points of this design pattern is :
package test.easycodeforall.singletone; import; import java.util.Properties; public final class PropManager { private static PropManager obj = new PropManager(); private Properties prop = null; private String propFileName = ""; private PropManager() { loadProperties(); } public void refreshCache() { loadProperties(); } private void loadProperties() { try { prop = new Properties(); InputStream propAsStream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(propFileName); prop.load(propAsStream); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Unable to load properties from " + propFileName + ". Exception=" + ex); } } public static PropManager getInstance() { return obj; } public String getProperty(String propertyName) { return prop.getProperty(propertyName); } } Testing: package test.easycodeforall.singletone; public class TestSingletone { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Property Value=" + PropManager.getInstance().getProperty("base_folder_name")); } } |
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