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String Utility
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An utility to process string operations. Just need to provide the text content.
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It supports:
  • Convert a string to lower case /li>
  • Convert a string to upper case
  • Convert a string to word case
  • Convert multi-line string to a single line.
  • Break a string to multi-line string.
  • Convert a string to sentense case.
  • Convert a string to represent by a java variable
  • Copy a block of string starting from a fixed position
  • Convert multi line string to a single line separated by delimiter string (e.g. "','")
If you are looking for String Utility Java Code, Click here(java-string-utility-code.html)
String:(* Required): It is required. | .
Word / Phrase:                  Trim Space When Converting to Single Line
Starting Position For Block Copy:        End Position For Block Copy
Delimiter: (Applicable For Single Line Converter)

How It Works:
User Comments:
anonymous (2022-04-16) :
What are the differences between the option "To Java Variable" and "To Java Variable With EQ" ?

Manisha Deb (2022-04-16) :
Simple but very useful utility!!!!! Thanks!

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