It provides the steps to connect AWS Glacier service and create vault, delete vault, upload zip file to vault and download files from Glacier valuts. One sample example with java code is shown for Java platform using AWS JAVA SDK library. Sample code uses aws-java-sdk-1.0.12 library provided by AWS. This java code is very sort and simple so that user can understand easily.
This java code connect AWS S3 Glacier service and get the list of the
Vaults and create a new valut . Downloading and uploading zip files to
the S3 valult is very common requirement. It can be done just extending
the current prgram. From my experience what I noticed that people face
the main challenge to coneect the S3 service from Java client. But once
the able to connect, they can easy upload and download files. This
program will guide you on how to connect Glacier service from thrid part
(external) program / service to manage the resources in AWS glacier
service. This code can be copied, compiled and run on eclipse or any
other Java IDE.
Sample Java Code To Connect S3 Glacier Service:
package easycodeforall.client;
import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials;
import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials;
public class ConnectAWSGlacier {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Conneting AWS Amazon Glacier Service");
String newValutName = "easycodeforallVault";
String accessKeyID = "AKIAY35*********JB37";// You get it form AWS Console /
// You get it form AWS Console
String secretAccessKey = "MysMOFS*********************qdscLSaV";
AWSCredentials awsCredentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(accessKeyID, secretAccessKey);
AmazonGlacierClient glacierClient = new AmazonGlacierClient(awsCredentials);
String region = "ap-south-1"; // Mumbai region
glacierClient.setEndpoint("https://glacier." + region + "");
String accountID = "61********74";
// You will get this value from AWS console.or put hyphen. hyphen means
// assocaitated account
ListVaultsRequest listRequest = new ListVaultsRequest(accountID);
// associated with the credentials
ListVaultsResult vaultList = glacierClient.listVaults(listRequest);
for (DescribeVaultOutput vault : vaultList.getVaultList()) {
System.out.println("VaultName:" + vault.getVaultName() + "| CreateDate :"
+ vault.getCreationDate());
CreateVaultRequest createVaultRequest = new CreateVaultRequest();
CreateVaultResult result = glacierClient.createVault(createVaultRequest);
System.out.println("Creation Request=" + result.getSdkResponseMetadata());
System.out.println("--------AWS S3 GLACIER CONNECTION DONE.-------");
Now question is how we can get the accessKeyID
and secretAccessKey
1. Create a Policy for Glacier service as shown below.
2. Create a IAM User along with accessKey to access Glacier
service as shown below
Once you attach a policy, it will ask you to create a access key. Just
click on that, it will create the access key and secret key.
3. Assign the policy to the user which you created in the above
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